Historia del posavaso en castellano |
El primer ejemplar de posavasos de cartulina fue producido por Luckenwald (Alemania) en 1867, por la compañía de hermanos Henschel. El antepasado del posavaso es el platillo que cumplía 2 funciones: colocado bajo el vaso protegía la mesa y colocado encima impedía la alteración de la cerveza debida a la oxidación ( muchas jarras hoy en día tienen tapa por ese mismo motivo ). El platillo estaba hecho de porcelana, de loza o incluso de estaño y la primera patente relativa a este fue registrada por Casalonga en Paris ( 1879 ), cuando el platillo servia para contabilizar el num. de cervezas consumidas gracias a un contador fijado en el.
Otros sit. de contabilizacion del consumo fueron creados siempre con la ayuda del platillo. Con cada consumo, se apilaba uno o mas, o incluso se cambiaba por otro en el que estuviera escrito el coste total de las cervezas consumidas.
En Alemania, en algunos locales, es costumbre por parte del camarero el poner posavasos apilados unos sobres otros según las cervezas que vayas tomando, o simplemente hacer tachaduras a un ejemplar. Aquella costumbre de contar las consumiciones aun perdura hoy en dia.
En 1892 la compañia Faivre y Cia. registro otra patente, una esponja, gracias a sus cualidades de absorcion.
El posavaso actual, hecho con pasta de madera prensada, con el nombre del producto impreso, fue inventado por Robert Sputh en Dresden ( 1892 ), tenia un diámetro de 107 mm. y un grosor de 5 mm., un standard que respetan hasta la actualidad los posavasos redondos. Los primeros eran de una sola tinta y hacia 1920 aparece el primer modelo policolor en Alemania.
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En 1903, la Baden Wurtenberg, una corp. que reciclaba madera, fabrica la pasta que se uso para la realización del posavaso. Hacia 1930, se producían mas de 2 mil millones de posavasos anuales, hoy en dia se llega a los 5 mil millones, de los cuales 3 mil millones son para Alemania.
En España, los mas antiguos pertenecen a cerveceras como : Cruzcampo, Cruz Blanca, La Zaragozana, El Aguila, Estrella de Galicia ...
Por cierto, a los coleccionistas de posavasos se nos conoce como " Tegestologos " y al coleccionismo de posavasos " Tegestologia", palabra que viene del griego " Tegestos" que es una pqña. alfombrilla de caña, posiblemente refiriéndose a los primeros posavasos que aparecieron.
1/0 Posavasos a una cara, el reverso es blanco
1/1 Posavasos a doble cara, mismo diseño en ambas
1/2 Posavasos a doble cara, distinto diseño en ambas
Referencia tomada del Catalogo de posavasos de España de CELCE
Beermats history
The first issue of cardboard coasters was produced by Luckenwald ( Germany ) in 1867 by Henschel brother,s company. The ancestor of the coaster is the dish that fulfilled 2 functions : placed yhe flotecked glass table and placed over prevented alteration of beer due to oxidation ( many beer mugs today have cover furthe same reason ) The dish was made of porcelain eartherware or ever of tin and the first relative to this fartert was registered by Casalonja in paris ( 1879 ) when the dish servea to count the number of beers consumed thanks to a fixed counter attacked.
Accounting for cosumption elsewhere were always created with the help of the dish, with each beer consumed they were filed up one upon the other of ever changed by another one in wich was written the total cost of the consumed beers.
In Germany in some places, customary by the waiter is to put coasters stacked one ever the other according to the beers you are taking or simplpy make deletions to a coly the custom of counting drinks still lingees today.
In 1892 the company Faiver and Cia. registered another patent, a sponge, thanks to its qualities of absortion.
The current coasters, made with wood pulp fressed, with the name of theprinted product, was invented by Robert Sputh in Dresden ( 1892 ) had a diameter of 107 mm. and a thickness of 5 mm., a standard that is still kept today with the round coasters. The first were a single ink one in 1920 the first policolor appeared in Germany.
In 1903, Baden Wurtenberg a corporation that recycled wood, manufactured the wood-pulp that was used for the realization of the coaster around 1930, more than 2 billion coasters werw produced, today we come to the 5 billion of wich 3 billion are for Germany.
In Spain, the more ancient belong to breweries such as ; Cruzcampo, Cruz Blanca, La Zaragozana, El Aguila, Estrella de Galicia ...
By the way collectors of coasters are known as " Tegestologos " and the art of collecting them as " Tegestologia " word that comes from the greek " Tegestos " wich is a small mat of reed possibly referring to the first coasters that appeared.
Referencia tomada del Catalogo de posavasos de España de CELCE
Beermats history
The first issue of cardboard coasters was produced by Luckenwald ( Germany ) in 1867 by Henschel brother,s company. The ancestor of the coaster is the dish that fulfilled 2 functions : placed yhe flotecked glass table and placed over prevented alteration of beer due to oxidation ( many beer mugs today have cover furthe same reason ) The dish was made of porcelain eartherware or ever of tin and the first relative to this fartert was registered by Casalonja in paris ( 1879 ) when the dish servea to count the number of beers consumed thanks to a fixed counter attacked.
Accounting for cosumption elsewhere were always created with the help of the dish, with each beer consumed they were filed up one upon the other of ever changed by another one in wich was written the total cost of the consumed beers.
In Germany in some places, customary by the waiter is to put coasters stacked one ever the other according to the beers you are taking or simplpy make deletions to a coly the custom of counting drinks still lingees today.
In 1892 the company Faiver and Cia. registered another patent, a sponge, thanks to its qualities of absortion.
The current coasters, made with wood pulp fressed, with the name of theprinted product, was invented by Robert Sputh in Dresden ( 1892 ) had a diameter of 107 mm. and a thickness of 5 mm., a standard that is still kept today with the round coasters. The first were a single ink one in 1920 the first policolor appeared in Germany.
In 1903, Baden Wurtenberg a corporation that recycled wood, manufactured the wood-pulp that was used for the realization of the coaster around 1930, more than 2 billion coasters werw produced, today we come to the 5 billion of wich 3 billion are for Germany.
In Spain, the more ancient belong to breweries such as ; Cruzcampo, Cruz Blanca, La Zaragozana, El Aguila, Estrella de Galicia ...
By the way collectors of coasters are known as " Tegestologos " and the art of collecting them as " Tegestologia " word that comes from the greek " Tegestos " wich is a small mat of reed possibly referring to the first coasters that appeared.
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